Chia seed diet

Chia seed diet

After almost a year of using these small "chia seeds," we have noticed a radical change in the body's energy levels, skin, hair, nails, and overall health.

Of course, this isn't the first time you've heard of this super-duper dietary supplement and perhaps an enviable majority of you have already experienced the magical effects of chia seeds. But for all those who don't know why they are so praised, we have prepared a brief description of these arcane seeds. Chia comes from the sage family, and is known in both Europe and Asia. In ancient times, chia seeds were so popular that they were used as a bargaining chip.

Chia seed diet

The unique quality of chia seeds is its high fat content, it is the richest plant source of omega-3. Unsaturated fatty acids, essential fats, are necessary for the body to dissolve and absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid, which the body cannot synthesize.

Chia contains:

– 5 times more calcium than milk;
– 3 times more iron than spinach;
– 2 times more potassium than bananas;
– 2 times more protein than other cereals;
– в 2 раза больше антиоксидантов, чем черника.

Chia seeds are literally overflowing with useful components: calcium, proteins, fiber, phosphorus, manganese, antioxidants, and the like. These tiny seeds are full of energy, believed to give a lot of power.

Whose seeds They also contain boron, a mineral that helps the movement of calcium in the bones and has been shown by some studies to improve mental performance. You can simply eat chia seeds or add them to your morning porridge or oatmeal, yogurt, salad and other foods of your choice. Recommended daily dose: 1 teaspoon per day.