Who needs gds in math

Who needs gds in math

Who needs gdz in mathematics.

Since about 2005, passions have been boiling in our country for GDZ or Ready Homework that appeared first on bookshelves and then on the Internet. Some are happy and actively use the answers online. Others curse the compilers and call terrible punishments on their heads. Everyone was divided into two camps.

In the camp of active opponents of this phenomenon, of course, first and foremost are teachers. And they can be understood. Some of the teachers write letters to our editors with the following content: “Cursed be the compilers of the GDZ. I spent the entire night checking my math workbooks last night. And it turned out that all 30 people in the class, as one, wrote off everything from the first to the last example. These people don't appreciate our work at all! But that's okay. They are corrupting the youth!!!”

Who needs gds in math

Others object to them: “Thank you very much to the creators of the site matematika-gdz.com My daughter is studying in the 10th grade at the Lomonosov gymnasium. She and her classmate are humanities majors. But at their school they have very strong mathematics, which in theory should not be a core subject. When I found your website with math gdz, I just jumped with happiness. Yesterday, before the meeting, I told other parents about my find, and everyone thanked me terribly.” Well, there is no need to talk about the fact that in the same camp of supporters, and even, we would say, ardent admirers of sites with GDZ, are all the schoolchildren of the country. Yes, someone completely neglects their studies and all homework comes down to copying ready-made answers. But for the majority, this is an opportunity to sometimes compare their solutions with ready-made ones or “quickly do some math homework” on days that are heavily loaded with other lessons and clubs.

Of course, total cheating of lessons is not good. But which of us, in the end, has not copied lessons during recess on the windowsill in the toilet? Personally, even when I was a good student, I cheated regularly. And he gave it to others. Yes, technology has changed. Yes, now it has become more accessible, and this is somewhat corrupting. But even if you look at the statistics of requests for the plan “GDZ in mathematics 6th grade” or “GDZ in algebra 7th grade”, you can see that the requests for 7th grade are becoming several times smaller. Because by the 7th grade it becomes completely clear that if you don’t study at all and only cheat, then by the end of the school year things will be bad. And next year it will be completely impossible to understand the new material. And this life lesson has its own deep pedagogical meaning.