Find out how to get rid of warts

Find out how to get rid of warts

Warts tend to appear more frequently in younger people, while they occur much less frequently in older people. But there are exceptions, so we can say that warts can manifest themselves at any age.

Бородавки своим внешним видом и размером будут зависеть от их размещения, травматизации и раздражения, которым они повседневно подвергаются.

Such an infection can be isolated, or it can manifest itself with a large number of warts. If warts are treated, they will gradually disappear, and there are cases when they disappear on their own quite spontaneously. But it also happens that warts can reappear in certain places in a few years; And it also happens that they persist and last for a long time.

Откуда возникает заражение

Этот вирус передается от больного человека к здоровому:

• через разные предметы, которые переносят инфекцию, например игрушки или поручни в транспорте;

• при возникновении прямого контакта, взять например рукопожатие.

Вирусу хватает несколько часов во внешней среде, чтобы кто-то смог заразиться, так как это весьма распространенная инфекция. Попадает вирус в организм человека через слизистую оболочку либо кожу. После чего внедряется под слой эпителия и уже там проникает в нервную ткань.

When the virus enters the body, it does not leave the body again. Its location in the body explains the connection between rashes and the state of the nervous system. In order for a wart to appear, the slightest nervous shock is needed, it can be excitement, fright, or autosuggestion that the wart will reappear.

Most people are affected by this virus, but they usually don't even know about it until a certain time. The virus can safely stay in the body without causing any harm. It can flow along the nerve pathways of the body or simply settle somewhere, for example, the spinal cord. But if you are more nervous, then it immediately comes to the surface in the form of warts.

Factors that predispose to such infection are microtraumas on the skin or excessive sweating, which depends only on the nervous system.

Do not forget that any person has microtraumas on the skin, they are simply inevitable when working, even around the house, for example, washing, cleaning, cooking. And in young children, they can even arise from modeling with plasticine.

And the human papillomavirus reacts quite actively to sweating of the skin of the feet, forming plantar seals. They are very painful and create a certain discomfort when walking. Feet sweat and sweat, thereby creating ideal conditions for the spread of the virus, this is if you walk in synthetic shoes, sneakers and shoes. And if the shoes are also tight, then the appearance of such warts is simply inevitable. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, adolescents and children are more likely to suffer from this ailment.

Viruses that cause warts are known in a couple of types and species

Самым распространенным среди вирусов это тот, который производит простые бородавки, большинство из них оказывается доброкачественными. Это весьма обыкновенные, небольшие, округлые, светло-серого либо бурого цвета, с неровной поверхностью и неправильной формы.

The places where warts most often appear are the places that are most susceptible to injury, such as elbows, fingers, knees, scalp, but there may also be cases of warts appearing on other parts of the body.

Plantar warts – Due to pressure hardening, they are surrounded by keratinized epithelium and can be quite painful. They can be distinguished from calluses and corns by droplets of blood, which will catch a cold if you try to cut off the upper part of the wart.

Filamentous Tiny and rather long, narrow outgrowths that appear on the face, neck, lips and eyelids.

Flat (juvenile) warts They are usually found in children and young people, resembling smooth, yellow-brown flat nodules that appear on the face and along the traces of scratches.

Unusually shaped warts, can be cauliflower-like warts that have occurred on the neck, head, and most commonly on the hairy part, such as the beard.

Genital warts (condylomas), They most often appear on the external genitalia, both in men and women. They look like bubbles, red and sometimes pink in color. Such warts grow quite quickly, and a narrow stem can form at their base.

Treatment of warts

Common warts most often spontaneously disappear on their own within two years.

If you suddenly find a strange extension on your skin, you do not need to self-medicate and use folk medicine. It is best to consult a dermatologist.

Warts can look like more serious growths. Your doctor will immediately determine whether you have a harmless wart or a malignant one. If it is an ordinary wart, then the doctor will choose the way to get rid of it. There are quite a lot of such methods. Some of them are:

Cryotherapy is the destructive effect of cold – it is carried out with dry ice (snow, carbonic acid).

Chemotherapy, makes it possible to lubricate warts with special preparations, ferizol and resorcinol.

There is also laser therapy and diathermocoagulation.

It's up to the doctor to determine which method is right for you. When you come to the hospital, for example, with a plantar wart, you should not demand that it be removed by the most modern method, for example, with a laser. This method for plantar warts can give a complication, so the method and means of treatment the dermatologist will choose a completely individual one for you.

Методы для удаления бородавок, о которых было сказано ранее, совершенно безболезненные. Поэтому лучше не браться за их удаление в домашних условиях, например если вы капнете на бородавку расплавленным сахаром или кислотой, то сделаете себе, во-первых, очень больно, а во-вторых, можете вызвать непредсказуемые последствия…