What is early menopause

What is early menopause

«Ранний», или «преждевременный» климакс – так называются в медицине различные расстройства женского организма, которые обусловлены ранним истощением яичников, оперативным вмешательством, которое привело к менопаузе, а также химиотерапией и лучевой терапией. «Ранний», или «преждевременный климакс» может встречаться у женщин и в раннем возрасте, хоть в двадцать, лет.

What is early menopause

Menopause examinations.

Despite the abundance of folk remedies, it is still necessary to consult a doctor and undergo some examinations, take tests. It will be necessary to take a general smear for flora, undergo a pelvic ultrasound, a mammogram, take general blood and urine tests, blood for biochemistry, lipid analysis, hormonal blood examination, measure blood pressure twice a day, take an X-ray of the bones, densitometry. The doctor will pay attention to your complaints, take them into account and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms of menopause

Menopause occurs in almost every woman in the period of 45-55 years. Menopause, or menopause, is a transitional state of the body, when it is rebuilt, losing its reproductive function. Menstruation stops, eggs stop being produced. This period lasts several years, and can bring a lot of anxiety in a woman's life. Before the onset of menopause, a woman has an increase in bone fragility due to the leaching of calcium from them. Cholesterol rises in the blood, which can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.