How to save money in a family

How to save money in a family

Money is not happiness, happiness is a huge amount of it, which is not given to everyone, but this amount, if not earned, can be accumulated.

The question of how to learn how to save money is faced by everyone who does not have enough money. However, just saving money and knowing how to save money properly are two different things that cannot be taught, because everyone's situation is different, you can only give advice.
Как экономить деньги в семье проблема 90% населения, потому что столько Россиян стоят награнице черты бедности или находятся за этой чертой.

How to save money in a family

Here are some tips/tricks on how to learn how to save money properly.

1. Make it a rule to make all purchases in cash, this will make you feel like the money is disappearing.
2. Get a book in Sberbank and save a small amount there every month, difficulties with withdrawing money will allow you not to make spontaneous purchases.
3. Spend more time with your family in a cozy home circle – this will allow you not to spend money on entertainment. Remember, your family loves you.
4. Stop subscribing, reading all the gloss, there are only ads that urge you to buy something.
5. Пиши списки, на месяц, на неделю, на поход в магазин, это поможет не покупать ничего лишнего.
6. Готовьте дома, забудь про кафе и обще питы, дешевые полуфабрикаты – вот еда будущего.
7. Do free sports, it's free and will help your health, which will save on medicine.
8. Put your money in envelopes by category: groceries, utility bills, etc. – your bills will always be paid.
9. Constantly discuss financial issues in the family, this will help you be aware of spending.
10. Write down expenses in a notebook, on a computer, in any home accounting service.
11. В первую очередь оплатите счета, расходы оставьте на потом.
13. Отключитесь от кабельного телевидения, больше философствуйте.
14. Throw away everything you don't need from the house, when you see how much you have thrown away, next time you will feel sorry for buying nonsense.
16. Try to change – it will save you a lot of money.
17. Save money wherever it goes, it won't bring anything at home.
18. Don't squander on gifts. Things made with your own hands are the most valuable gift.
19. Teach your children to spend and save – this will bring savings in the near future.
20. Look for pleasure in what surrounds you, not in shopping, walking, socializing, philosophy.

We hope these "not serious" tips will answer your question about how to learn how to save money in the family.